Shira Yaacobi - Human

Shira Yaacobi is an Israeli singer/songwriter known for the passion she puts into her music. Utilizing the piano as her greatest tool for composing, Yaacobi blends many genres together, including combining elements of pop, soul, and rock music to create her sound. Today we take a plunge into her new single, “Human”, which is the first English-language single Shira Yaacobi has released.

“Human” is a powerful pop song, full of a great deal of heart and expert songcrafting. Lyrically, Yaacobi truly takes an inspiring approach, delving deep into what it means to be human and encouraging her listeners to remember the simple but eternally important message: “we’re all human”. The instrumental portion of the track is upbeat and helps drive the vocals in a meaningful way; the instrumental piece truly helps the vocals hit even harder than they already do. You really get a sense for how Yaacobi utilizes her pop and soul inspirations to create her own sound through this track; it is certainly her own powerful sound that stands strong among other pop vibrancies.

In the end, “Human” is a wonderful English-language debut for Shira Yaacobi. The song really showcases the many talents Yaacobi has as a writer and performer while simultaneously highlighting her passion for her music. You can check out Yaacobi’s website, Instagram and Facebook for more info on this exceptional artist and as always we have “Human” embedded below! Be sure to add “Human” to your Spotify playlist by clicking this link:!

This song is about love let's start looking at people with more empathy and less judgmental point of view empathy is one of the most important human quality ...


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