Steve Ryan - Proud of Me

Steve Ryan is an R&B, pop and rock music artist known for his inspirational sound. We recently covered this songwriter turned performing artist and his track “Miracle of Love”, a melody-filled gem. Today we are happy to share our advance review of Steve Ryan’s new song, “Proud of Me”, which comes out on April 6th.

“Proud of Me” is an absolutely soul-baring effort that showcases Steve Ryan’s personable lyric writing skills. Throughout the track, Ryan begs the question: “are you proud of me?”, seemingly addressed at his parents (based on the track’s promotional art) and the lyrics walk us through the story of this relationship and both the triumphs and tragedies of it. Steve Ryan’s brilliant melodic feel is on display again in this track as well, further helping the track’s message hit home and the instrumental matches perfectly. “Proud of Me” truly is a special song as it encapsulates both the passion and skill that Steve Ryan puts into his music.

When it comes to “Proud of Me”, I can assure you we have a song to be excited about. It is definitely a song from a personal place that really hits hard in all the best ways. Be sure to check out Steve Ryan’s website to learn more about this artist and keep up with his upcoming releases. Speaking of upcoming releases, be sure to check out “Proud of Me” when it releases on April 6th!

Proud of Me Cover.jpg

Dannii Scott - Beleza


Steve Ryan - Miracle of Love