Tedi Brunetti - Evil Woman

Tedi Brunetti is a singer, songwriter and drummer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. An experienced touring drummer, Brunetti has had a terrific career performing with several national and international acts. Today we are pleased to share our advance review of Tedi Brunetti’s upcoming single, “Evil Woman”, which is due out on May 25th, 2021, from her upcoming album The Queen of Pittsburgh.

In the opening moments “Evil Woman”, we are introduced to a mixture of swagger and psychedelia, attributes that continue to make up the song’s vibe for its entire three and a half minute runtime. Indeed, the bass track is exceptionally groovy, absolutely driving the song and pairing well with the drums to make up an excellent rhythm section for this track; through the drum performance, it is easy to recognize Brunetti’s experience as the drums are rather subdued and complementary during the verses, only to increase in intensity later. Brunetti’s excellent grasp on modern lingo as she sings about a jealous “evil woman” is also put on display, rounding the track out splendidly.

Through “Evil Woman”, we get a brief look into Tedi Brunetti’s career and all of the talent she still has; her songwriting is on point and her vocals and drumming skills are on shining display in this track. Check out Tedi Brunetti’s website, Instagram and Facebook for artist updates. Keep an eye out for “Evil Woman”, which drops on May 25th as well as the album “Evil Woman” will be a part of - The Queen of Pittsburgh which itself is slated for release on July 20th, 2021!

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