Terry Blade - Misery (Mastered for Headphones)

Terry Blade is a singer/songwriter who is currently based in Chicago, Illinois. Blade is known for his sound that blends many genres, including Soul, R&B, Jazz and Blues with Indie and Folk influences to create a distinctive sound that is uniquely his own. Today we listen to Blade’s new EP, Misery (Mastered for Headphones), a splendid, soul-baring six-track effort.

“The Unloveable” kicks off the EP and it serves as an Earth-shifting introduction. This track deals with the deep-seeded insecurities everyone has as Blade walks us through his doubts and wonders how someone could love someone with “a soul in constant crisis”, an incredibly timeless, relevant and personal message. “The Mentally Ill” dives into mental illness as Blade sings about being “stuck in [a] rut” while likening being mentally ill to being a prisoner of war. “The Widow” is the third track, a song about grieving for grieving for a lost spouse. Blade mentions losing a “super hero” which is a term I have heard mentioned many times by a husband or wife talking about their spouse and the way Blade is able to contextualize such a terrible loss is absolutely brilliant, though certainly heart-wrenching as well. These three songs are excellent introductions to the topics that Blade covers in his music, as he shows he is unafraid to bare his heart while tackling tough subjects.

“The Broken” is yet another impassioned song that is both introspective and reflective, with the the acoustic guitar giving off a reflective and nostalgic kind of vibe that beautifully suits Blade’s vocals and lyrics. “The Other Side” is an expertly crafted track, with a surprisingly bouncy acoustic guitar performance and sublime vocal harmonies stealing the show. “Tick Tock (The Lonely)” was the most atmospheric track on the EP as Blade really masters a dark and foreboding aura throughout the track’s duration, something that I found both unsettling and darkly appealing. This track in particular did a phenomenal job of matching lyrics to the instrumental vibe presented. It is in these tracks in the latter half of the EP where we get to really experience the expert-level musicianship that Terry Blade is capable of and how brilliantly he is able to relate his instrumental performance with his lyrical themes.


Terry Blade’s voice and the emotions he is able to convey stood out to me above all else on this EP - he has one of the most distinctive singing voices I have ever heard - and the heart and soul that goes into his music is both admirable and incredible. The songs on Misery are going to make you think about some tough topics relating to mental health/wellness and if you are like me, you will relate to some of the messages these songs present. My hope is that this EP helps you empathize with those in need and if you are one of those in need, know you are not alone.

Blade’s body of work covers many important topics, including blackness, queerness, mental health and intersectionality and if his take on these subjects interests you as they do me then I suggest you take a deep dive into his music. The way in which Terry Blade is able to traverse such a deep emotional landscape in a natural and personal way is something I am glad I was able to experience through Misery, which stands as a beautiful and profoundly meaningful release. You can keep up with Terry Blade through his Twitter and website and as always, we have Misery (Mastered for Headphones) embedded below - take a listen, I promise you will get something important out of the experience.


Listen to Misery (Mastered for Headphones) on Spotify. Terry Blade · Single · 2020 · 6 songs.


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