The Winter Project - Georgia Tech

The Winter Project is a Boston-based indie rock band. The group was founded in 2015 by bassist Ron Belanger and guitarist Chris Meusel who have been playing music together for over two decades. The Winter Project has been busy recording in the studio this year and today we take a look at their latest single, “Georgia Tech”, which is due for release tomorrow, October 27, 2020.

“Georgia Tech” features many hallmarks of pop-punk, including crunchy guitars and a catchy vocal melody. The track has the polish you would expect from bands like blink-182 but contains the slightly grittier energy of punk rock bands like SR-71 and Banner Pilot, with excellent guitar riffs driving the instrumental portion of the track; that said, you still get a taste of The Winter Project’s indie rock roots in the overall presentation, giving the song a unique flavor. “Georgia Tech” follows a heartbroken protagonist, sharing a genuine and relatable message; the vocal melody is incredibly catchy and its well-crafted nature ensures that it will be stuck in your head for awhile, one of the track’s finest features.

The Winter Project is definitely a band to look out for, especially if you are a fan of various types of indie rock like I am. Through “Georgia Tech”, we get a great taste of this band’s distinctive sound and if you are anything like me, you will be eager to check out more tracks from The Winter Project. “Georgia Tech” will be available on pretty much everywhere you can stream music including Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Google, Youtube and Amazon Music (along with international streaming services as well). Be sure to check it out!


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