Third Development - Auras

Third Development is a Canadian band with a global reach. Known for creating music in their self-coined genre “Etherea”, Third Development is lead by Geoffrey James who is unafraid to experiment to find the next great sound. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Third Development’s single, “Auras”!

“Auras” is sang by previous collaborator, Kintsuku, whose vocals have a dark, mysterious nature to them that I found to be extremely appealing. Minx, a new guest artist, shares a phenomenal Rap verse that blends with Kintsuku’s vocals extremely well, truly making it an essential part of the song. I thoroughly enjoy the ethereal atmosphere in this track - both vocal performances and the instrumental build toward this feeling - and I think it is truly deserving to be called a song from the “Etherea” genre.

I found myself fascinated by “Auras” and I think you will be as well so make sure you check it out along with Third Development’s other music. You can keep up with Third Development through Facebook, Instagram and their website. We have “Auras” embedded below via Spotify - take a listen!


S.I.N.I.S.T.E.R - Death’s Lullaby


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