Todd Patnaude - One and Only

Todd Patnaude is a musician and music teacher of 30 years who has only just recently began his breakout solo career with the album Lifesongs. His music style should be a familiar space for fans of bands like The Beatles and The Eagles, with ballad-like progressions and vocals that remind me of my favorite choruses from bands like Yes and Rush.

“I will be here for you my one and only
And I promise to never let you slip away “

“One and Only” jumps straight into the action, featuring a multitude of instruments. The vocals are clean and the lyrics are hard not to sing along to. The singing style brings me back to so many of my favorite bands but the voice itself is unique enough to pick out of a crowd. It’s a feel-good song that reflects on many perspectives of life, and how no matter where are and what we are going through we must always hold on to our one and only.

This is a good song for a party, or to show your father. If you put this in a playlist with some of the greats in classic rock it would sound right in its place as it should.


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