Madeline Rosene - Numb

Madeline Rosene is an indie pop singer/songwriter in Los Angeles, California. Having lived her youth from New York City to Cleveland Ohio she has been around the United States with many stories to tell. Today’s story is the new single “Numb” from her most recent album Raised on Porn.

The bluesy guitar in the introduction does a good job at setting the tone of the song right from the beginning; lyrically, Rosene tries to show how being numb is somehow triumphant but in the end reflects more upon the negative side of feeling that way. The well-produced and choreographed music video tends to echo the emotional dissonance presented by the song very well. Rosene’s choice repetition of the word “numb” also served as a catchy hook that captured my attention throughout the entire track. In addition to the excellent vocals, the track features has stellar guitar that served as ear candy to skillfully accent the track’s overall tone.

“Numb” showcases Madeline Rosene’s excellent skillset as a singer/songwriter and the track provides us a strong glimpse into her true potential. You can check out Madeline Rosene’s website here and we have the music video embedded below.


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