Forrest Hill - Crazy Days

Forrest Hill is an indie singer/songwriter from Napa California. Hill has had much success in the music scene dating his commercial debut in the 1980s with the band Judy’s Tiny Head (JTH.) According to his website, Forrest Hill began writing while hitchhiking across the country through post-Vietnam America and his music and lyrics show a sense of wisdom that he’s gained from these experiences. “Crazy Days” was a single released on his most recent album, River of Stars

Although the track was released in 2019, the song still sounds incredibly fresh. I honestly get strong Violent Femmes vibes from the song; “Crazy Days” truly has the flair and tone of older indie but has a well-polished finish that helps the track fit in with modern indie songs. Hill’s cadence creates a well-woven and catchy melody. The message of the lyrics that Forrest Hill has someone to help him “feel alright” and be his anchor is one that truly resonates with me - especially with all of the “crazy days” everyone in the world is going through this year. 

Forrest Hill’s experience and raw skill shine through throughout the entire track and leaves me wanting to hear more. In addition, the YouTube lyric video is fun and clearly inspired by other great indie artists - definitely something cool to check out.


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