Trey Connor - We’ll Be Alright

Trey Connor is a talented indie music artist who is currently based in Detroit, Michigan. Utilizing a mix of pop and alternative, Connor’s sound is exceptionally refreshing and the music he creates is always fantastic. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Trey Connor’s latest single, “We’ll Be Alright”, from his upcoming EP In The Clouds which was recorded, mixed and produced by Jake Rye at Social Recording Company and mastered by The Foxboro.

“We’ll Be Alright” is a richly melodic and heartfelt track that effortlessly showcases Trey Connor’s signature Alt-Pop style. From the outset, we are treated to a nostalgic soundscape provided by the backing instrumental, setting the table for Connor’s vocal performance extremely well. From a lyrical standpoint, the track has a strong meaning and Connor’s choices with the vocal melody bring the words to life. Although Trey Connor’s work with vocal melody has always been something special, “We’ll Be Alright” features my favorite chorus that he has written so far for both its catchiness and its emotiveness; I got chills the first time I heard this track!

We have covered quite a few of Trey Connor’s releases here at Which Coast, the latest before “We’ll Be Alright” being “Aloof”, and he has become one of our favorite artists to listen to! Be sure to keep up with Trey Connor through Twitter and Instagram and his website and we have “We’ll Be Alright” embedded below via YouTube and you can also stream the track on Spotify!


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