Youlanda Burnett - Keep Trying Till You Get There

Youlanda Burnett is a singer/songwriter based in Chicago, Illinois. Active in the music scene for over twenty years, Burnett has written songs across a broad spectrum of genres including R&B, Country and even some Rock & Roll. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Youlanda Burnett’s single, “Keep Trying Till You Get There”!

From the declaration of “I’m still here” in the opening moments of “Keep Trying Till You Get There”, one thing becomes very clear: Youlanda Burnett is not one to give up. This track features an R&B/Hip-Hop fusion in its backing instrumental that helps bring Burnett’s vocal performance to life; through her vocals, Burnett’s work with melody borders on rap flow which makes this genre-bending track massively appealing. The lyrics in this song are massively inspirational with Burnett sharing how she is able to stay self-motivated - while also encouraging others to follow her “never give up” mindset.

I was left quite impressed by Youlanda Burnett and her music; this artist is absolutely unafraid to explore many different genres within her music which helps to make it truly special. You can learn more about Youlanda Burnett through her website and as always we have “Keep Trying Till You Get There” embedded below!


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