HOLOGRAM BOY is a virtual reality project which features the artist’s “cybernetic hologram”. Donning the wig and joining the world of virtual reality, HOLOGRAM BOY continues to impress with his music. We have previously checked out HOLOGRAM BOY’s single SINAPSI ATTIVE - as well as interviewed this talented artist - and today we are excited to share our thoughts on yet another great song from HOLOGRAM BOY, titled “DEFRAG PUNTO EXE”.

“DEFRAG PUNTO EXE”, which like “SINAPSI ATTIVE” features Miss Virtuality, enthralls from start to finish. This song is sure to draw you in, casting a vexing spell on you in a way that feels almost trance-like. Throughout the song’s duration, we are treated to HOLOGRAM BOY’s unique style, heavy on synths with exceptional production and a certain spacey, futuristic vibe overall. I must say, the music video also captures HOLOGRAM BOY’s unique style and presentation, something that I think gives HOLOGRAM BOY more than just a thematic; his style is more akin to a brand.

The kind of music - and artistry - that HOLOGRAM BOY brings to the table is both bizarre and outstanding; this is the kind of act that could only exist in our growing digital age! I really enjoy how what HOLOGRAM BOY is doing is completely different from what the rest of the music world is doing right now. Make sure that you keep up with HOLOGRAM BOY through his website and we have “DEFRAG PUNTO EXE” embedded below via YouTube - take a listen!


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