Arnold Mitchem - Solo

Arnold Mitchem is a music artist who has performed in many roles across his career. Indeed, Mitchem has spent time as a solo artist, touring musician, side man and even a poet. He has also worked as a songwriter, writing for bands, solo artists and even the show Buffy and the Vampire Slayer. Today we take a listen to Arnold Mitchem’s single, “Solo”.

“Solo” is a catchy country track that showcases both Arnold Mitchem’s songwriting and performing skills. Instrumentally, the track is very tight with a lot of moving parts helping the track chug along in an enjoyable way. “Solo” features a great deal of melody, leaving a lasting impression even long after listening. Vocal harmonies throughout the track are expertly performed and add a texture to the track that makes it even more memorable than it already is. Perhaps my favorite part of the song is the guitar work as it really adds a lot of tasteful flavor to the song.

Arnold Mitchem has a lot of experience under his belt and this really shows true in his track “Solo”. The song was clearly written and performed by someone who sees music as a craft and the craftmanship is top tier. Be sure to check out Arnold Mitchem’s website and Facebook for any updates from this artist; Mitchem also often posts videos of himself performing his music on his Facebook page so keep an eye out for that!

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