Blake Estes - Weathering The Storm [Remix]

Blake Estes is a multi-genre music composer and producer. Inspired by hi-tech psytrance, Estes has been uploading music to his YouTube Channel for about six months to date and is starting to build up a dedicated audience. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Blake Estes’ song, “Weathering The Storm [Remix]”!

“Weathering The Storm [Remix]” is a reimagined version of one of Estes’ previous songs. This song definitely has a futuristic vibe to it that is unmistakable and very easy to enjoy. I experienced a range of emotions while listening to this song and I especially liked the more frantic moments in this one - they got my heart pumping a little more quickly. When it comes to both versions of this song, I feel like the remixed version has a bit more focus and intent than the original and while both versions of this song are certainly enjoyable, I have a stronger appreciation for the more deliberate approach that Estes seems to have taken with it, especially because that focus helps bring out the futuristic elements more.

In the end, I believe that Blake Estes is a talented music creator and I found myself quite impressed by how expertly he was able to revise an already awesome song of his own creation. Make sure you subscribe to Blake Estes’ YouTube Channel to keep up with his latest musical creations. We have “Weathering The Storm [Remix]” embedded below - check it out and send Blake Estes some love!


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