Luchi - Mountain w/Interview

Luchi is a music artist who grew up in Glasgow with his Italian family. Known for his soulful approach, Luchi is one of the most genuine artists out there. We have previously written about Luchi’s songs “Things He Handed Down” and “You’ll Hurt More”, both of which featured interviews and we are back today to write about Luchi’s latest, “Mountain” as well as share another interview with this great artist!

A touching and emotive song, “Mountain” combines Luchi’s genuine touch with an inspired Top-40 style of sound that makes the song an incredible hit-to-be. Initially, you will be drawn in by this song’s pure, infectious melodic work in all of its splendor. That said, what will keep you coming back to listen to this song again and again is the way in which Luchi’s deeply expressive and soulful vocal performance - with gripping lyrics to match - carry incredible weight and meaning.

Now let’s jump into the interview!

Thank you for being with us again! Third time with an interview is a new record for us and we're glad to have you back.

Does that mean we are now going steady haha. I’m glad to be a new record holder, Thanks for having me back again.

As a refresher or introduction to new readers, can you tell us a bit about you and your music?

So I’m Luchi, a singer songwriter from Glasgow, Scotland. I’ve been releasing music independently since 2017 and I would describe my music as vulnerable, honest, mature pop with twist of empowerment. I’m also a very outspoken activist when it comes to LGBTQI+ rights and also a mental health advocate. People often say I’m the person who says what others are thinking but are too afraid to say out loud.

What kind of personal experiences and moments influence the music you create?

Is all of them a valid answer? Everything that happens in life has the potential to be a song and I always have the chat with people who come into my life that they should know that I will probably write a song about them one day… something I think my ex boyfriends may regret haha. In all seriousness, writing for me is often how I work out how I am feeling and is my diary so each song is a part of my journey. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I think thats what has made me the songwriter I am today as I am a very empathic person who feels all the feelings all the time so being able to share that is a gift. I had a great mentor called Mark Cawley who taught me that you always have to have your songwriting antenna up. Listening to what people say, lines from tv shows or movies that resonate with you and then use it all as inspiration.

When you look back on your music career to date, what are some of your personal highlights?

Do you know I’m really bad at stopping and taking in the moment or allowing myself to acknowledge my achievements because I often get scared its all going to be taken away from me. Like you are waiting for the rug to be pulled away from you at any moment but since you’ve asked and we are on our third date so we are getting comfortable with each other, I’d say a big OMG moment where I was like “I am really here” was attending the Grammys this year. Being in the room with all these people that I admire was a pinch me moment and I got to bring my mum along too which was so special. Also when I got the Stargate mentorship, that was another I can’t believe this is happening moment because they have written so many of my favourite songs, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep my inner fanboy at bay, and I didn’t but I think that endeared them to me. To be honest, I’d say my best moments have been when someone has messaged me and said that they have been touched by one of my songs, or it has helped them through a difficult time, that to me is worth more than anything. Knowing that something you have created has helped someone heal makes me feel like all the pain in my life has been worth it.

We've listened to your latest, "Mountain", and enjoy the track. What can you tell us about the writing and recording process for it?

Mountain is a really special song to me. It was written last year and it was inspired by a conversation that I had with someone close to me that has addiction issues. I was trying to get them to get help and they just didn’t feel strong enough. It was horrendous to be on the other side watching someone you love in self destruction. It takes so much strength to pull yourself out of rock bottom and start the healing journey so you have to build up that resilience in yourself to take on the fight. Your demons can be so loud and powerful sometimes, our heads can really be a hard place to live. I have been there before with my own mental health journey so I could relate and also used some of my own experience in the song. Writing the song it just came out of me. I was sitting by my keyboard at 3am as I couldn’t sleep and the song just came out. The demo was just me and a piano but I could hear the song being very grand and epic in my head so I sent it to my producer Chris Stagg and he helped me build it into then song you hear now. I want the listener to come on the journey with me and as the song builds, they feel that in their body’s too. The racing heart, the anticipation and like you are going into battle. I actually recorded the song in the same room that I had a full on melt down about the same situation the song is written about. I was in the studio recording other music and I hadn’t slept because the person the song is about had relapsed and I broke down in the studio. My poor producer was like what happened and I just ended up telling him everything and for the first time couldn’t finish the session. Then we came back to the same room to record this song and it felt like the energy was still hanging in the air. I don’t actually remember singing the song because I went into a different place in my head. I think to get a powerful vocal you have to know the song inside out so that when you record it, you can lose yourself in it and be in the song completely. That’s when your instincts as a musician can really flow and you find yourself being able to evoke the emotions because you’re not worried about knowing the melody or lyrics. I also think when a song touches you and you have your own personal connection to it, that also allows you to deliver emotionally.

And to close out, one of my favourite questions to ask you: what's next? You always seem to have a roadmap for your next steps and it gives us something to get excited for!

Is this your way of asking me for a fourth date haha. There is definitely a lot more music to come and there is a plan but a lot of it I want to be a surprise so stay tuned for that. Let me tease with that I’m hoping to venture into other parts of the media (wink, wink) and not just music although that will always be my first and true love, there are other things I want to explore more on the personal side of things. Might be planning some live stuff soon too but I will keep everyone updated through my social media pages and I’m so bad at not leaking news so I better zip it here haha.

As always, it is great to hear from Luchi himself about his work. I really appreciate how open he is and how much insight we as the listeners receive from him through these interviews - I think any aspiring artists and even just general music fans can really get something important out of all of this. You can keep up with Luchi through Instagram and TikTok. We have the official lyric video for “Mountain” embedded below and you can find the song on your favorite platform here!


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