Dick Aven - Fly Into the Fire

Dick Aven is a singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist based in Nashville, Tennessee. Aven plays almost all of the instruments for the music he writes and records, truly showing us the massive depth of skill that this artist is capable of. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Dick Aven’s single, “Fly Into the Fire”!

“Fly Into the Fire” is a richly layered track that showcases the multi-instrument talent of Dick Aven in a very positive light. Throughout each listening session, I felt like I was discovering more and more within this song - each little intricacy is so well thought out and well-executed that I was left feeling quite impressed. “Fly Into the Fire” really is a song for lovers of music and I feel like any musicians out there will really enjoy how many textures there are across this incredibly well-composed and impressively performed song.

After listening to “Fly Into the Fire”, I really think that Dick Aven brings a lot of important qualities to his music and his music is, fittingly, high quality as a result. You can keep up with Dick Aven through his website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We have the official music video for Aven’s “Fly Into the Fire” embedded below and you can also catch the track on Spotify!


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