Melly Mel - Sage

Melly Mel is a music artist, born in Washington D.C and raised in the Landover, Maryland. After rebranding and honing in on his sound, Melly Mel is poised to rise, utilizing an genuine approach that makes his music special. Today we take a listen to Melly Mel’s new EP, Sage, which dropped on August 13, 2021.

Sage kicks off with “COUNTING BLESSINGS”, a two minute track that utilizes a soulful sample to help get its message across. Once Melly Mel’s rap vocals kick in, one thing becomes clear: Melly Mel is a master of flow. I really like the combination of Soul/R&B vibes with the up-tempo hip-hop sound in this track; it creates this natural contrast that adds some dynamic layers to the track, allowing it to have a lot of distinctive appeal.

The second track from Sage is “BouT MoneY”, a uniquely atmospheric song. Melly Mel’s excellent flow is again on display, combining with the lyrics to carry the track with some creative rhymes and clever wordplay. In addition to Melly Mel’s excellent performance with the vocals, this track had my favorite backing track with the vibes it presents standing as both nostalgic and emotive. Altogether, this track has this complete kind of nature to it, making it stand very powerfully on its own.

Closing out Sage is “NoThinG The SaMe”, ending things on an extremely high note. The interplay between Melly Mel’s vocals and the backing track is absolutely spot on and crisp, really putting Melly Mel’s songwriting and performing skills on display simultaneously. I also enjoyed the lyrical approach here; everything flowed extremely naturally and the words hit as if Melly Mel is having a natural conversation. I feel as though this is Melly Mel’s strongest track to date as it serves as a natural showcase of all of the things that make him such an intriguing and noteworthy artist.

There is an absolute ton of stuff to enjoy throughout each track on Sage (I even really like Melly Mel’s artistic utilization of capitalized letters in the names of his songs) and the EP is absolutely special front to back. This is definitely Melly Mel’s best work to date and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for him. Keep up with Melly Mel through Instagram and make sure to check out Sage which we have embedded below!


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