Mr. MiLK - Morphing Time

Mr. MiLK is a sixteen year old music producer from Las Vegas, Nevada. Beginning his music career at age twelve by playing double bass in his school orchestra, Mr. MiLK now crafts his music using Abelton with PUSH2 and FL Studio while also utilizing live instruments to create vivid soundscapes. Today we take a look at Mr. MiLK’s new track, “Morphing Time”.

“Morphing Time” is a song with an extremely unique soundscape. Utilizing various synths and a hip-hop style beat, the track presents a varied listening experience where you can get something unique out of it each time you listen, even if you have heard the song several times already. The track also features some elements that I would describe as trippy and lo-fi in some areas, adding to the already enjoyable atmosphere. With a sound that could play well in a video game, as music score or just as a purely enjoyable piece of an EDM playlist, “Morphing Time” is an absolute delight to listen to.

In the end, “Morphing Time” is a great song that is easy to vibe along with. Mr. MiLK really knows how to weave a colorful tapestry of sounds with his music and I cannot wait to hear more from this talented artist as he continues to grow and release more music. You can keep up with Mr. MiLK on Instagram and as always we have “Morphing Time” embedded below!


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