Seven Crows - Secrets Of Navigation

Seven Crows is an electric violin music project created by artist Chris Murphy. Murphy describes the music he makes as being like a “live film score”, an approach that adds a theatrical element to his sound that is not often found in contemporary music. Today we listen to “Secrets of Navigation”, from Seven Crows’ album Secrets of Navigation.

“Secrets of Navigation” has a subtle soundscape that feels like an eloquent piece of film score. I found myself imagining scenes from a few of my favorite movies while listening; the song has this lead-in type nature that sounds as if it is building toward something greater and it reminded me of some conversation-filled scenes from films like Cloud Atlas and Interstellar. The track also features excellent production, making it truly sound like something that would come straight out of a blockbuster film.

Through “Secrets of Navigation”, it is easy to hear what Chris Murphy meant when comparing his music to a film score; the track really feels like a moment in time slowly unfolding in front of you. You can learn more through Seven Crows’ website or through the Seven Crows Instagram and make sure you check out the teaser for “Secrets of Navigation” at this url:

And we have the full track embedded below!




Bloomr - Vamanos